
REVIEW ::: Masaya ‘Angel EP’ by

I could easily just say that this is amazing and leave it at that. However not only does that not fill the screen and curate an element of boredom for you the reader (who’s to say you are not nodding off already just reading this) it would also demise my existence as a journalist. That said mind, I stick to that point entirely. This release is absolutely stunning to say the very least. As soon as your chubby / thin (delete as appropriate) digits hits the play button you are enticed with a ménage of sonics and sensations. The production is not only second to none on this release, the feeling in which those sounds are delivered is totally admirable.

Enough of my bullshit, give this release the praise it solemnly deserves and show your support PROPERLY by buying this EP. It will be the best thing you do all.



Our Verdict:



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Capture d’écran 2014-07-16 à 20.22.28
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